Monday, January 6, 2025

Myrtle Beach SC for 2 nights

 Fourth day of driving and now for a 2 day stop in Myrtle Beach State Park, SC.  Feels good to set up for more than one night.  It’s the first time I’ve unhitched and put down the jacks.  

It was a very warm afternoon, getting up into the 60s!  Won’t even get down to freezing tonight.  I put water in the tank today, filled the hot water heater and now we have running hot and cold water.  WooHoo!  I took out a chair (1st time for that too) and sat outside with Skye   She was busy with squirrels.  

In the afternoon we had a walk on the beach.  This was another of those whopper wind days, 15 mph with stronger gusts.  So it’s a good thing it was warm because that wind was not.  Skye had a great time at the beach.  We let her off leash for about an hour.  Very few people around.  Nobody at all when we arrived.

Tomorrow Carlene’s friend will meet us mid day.  We’ll go get some food and propane before then.

Myrtle Beach is quite touristy town, but the State Park is great.  You wouldn’t know it was a tourist town.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Elm City, NC

 We are at the Cavvietta Quarter Horse & Cattle Co in Elm City NC.  It is not snowing here!  It’ll probably rain like crazy later in the night and for a while in the morning.  After that blows across it should be nice again.  Tomorrow we’ll be in Myrtle Beach State Park for 2 nights.   The rain should end there around 3 PM.  That’s to visit Carlene’s friend Louanne who’s here for a few weeks.  No plans yet beyond that.

It was a sunny day most of the way down through Virginia.  Got off to a frosty start, it was 11 degrees this morning!  That’s about as cold as we have ever been on this trip.  I think our old record was 17.  One thing about those cold temperatures, I haven’t needed any ice cubes yet!  Just as well that we didn’t have water on board or the pipes would have been frozen.  We are still using bottles of water.  We fill them every so often, and still have some from home.  I considered putting some water in the  tank in PA and just not running it through the pipes, but the water was cloudy so we decided to wait.  Probably wasn’t used enough in winter.  We are accumulating some dirty dishes!

This horse & cattle ranch looks interesting.  There were some very long-horned cattle in the pasture when we arrived.  They moved off before we could get photos.  Maybe in the morning.  Lots of horses in several pastures and a couple riders in the ring.

This morning sunrise in Aldie. 

That was Christmas at home, it was not supposed to copy into here, but…

The James River

Our campsite

When we went out for a dog walk this mare and yearling came over to check us out. 

That green rain will find us but all that red and blue snow will stay north of us.  If the forecast holds up!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Aldie, VA

 Second day on the road.  No rain, lots of clouds.  Minimal solar charging, so the generator is running.  Going to be 19 tonight so I wanted more power in the batteries.

Quattro Goombas is a winery, brewery and pizza place with a huge parking lot that they share with Harvest Host campers.  One stop shop.  Camp and get pizza with really good beer.  It was over $40 for dinner but we got leftovers with a free campsite for less than we payed last night for a campsite.

The interstate was the usual mediocre viewing down to Harrisburg.  PA sure has a lot of ups & downs.  It feels like more hills than VT.  But then it’s onto US 15 from Harrisburg down past Gettysburg and through MD into VA.  Almost all 4 lane through lots of pastoral settings.  Only a few towns, lots of fields, a big stretch of horse farm country and some big old Southern houses.  With some modern versions of the same.  It keeps the driving interesting.

Some of the day was windy enough that I had both hands on the wheel most of the day and no cruise control.  The rig just kind of jerked around slightly. No big deal but enough to be ready for a gust anytime. And some snow. Mostly in the air.  The roads were clear. 

Tomorrow we were going to southern VA to visit a friend.  But with 3” of snow forecast we are diverting to NC where it’ll just be rain.

The Susquehanna River in Harrisburg 

A Maryland farm

The Potomac River, heading into Virginia

Quatro Goombas, looking into the parking lot. The camper is way out behind the cars

Beer & Pizza!!!!!

Skye needed some attention after dinner

Moon, Saturn and Venus
Saturn is the small spot below the moon.

Friday, January 3, 2025

First day!

Our first campsite.  
The Moon in conjunction with Venus.  About as close as I’ve seen in a long time.  

 We got on the road about 8 AM!  It was a reasonably nice day to drive, we did find some small flurries as we got into New York.  It was expected around the Albany area in the morning but this was near Glens Falls.  It didn’t stick to anything so it was nothing more than a parting shot.

Just two stops on the way to PA, fuel and lunch. We had bright sunshine south of Albany, had to get out the sunglasses.

It was cloudy earlier tonight in Matamoras PA, and cool. Since we’re in a campground we have the electric heater plugged in to supplement the propane heat.  But obviously it cleared off to see the Moon.

Skye isn’t quite settled in yet.  She wants to sit on the couch and lean on me a lot.  She had a good nap all the way down so now she’s mostly bored.  Playing with her toys too.

We’ve made Harvest Host reservations for tomorrow night in Aldie VA.  It’s a frequent stop.  It’ll be more interesting than this cold camp on the riverside.  But not much warmer and no electric heat.