Nice sunny cool day in the 50s by afternoon. We hung in camp until lunch time then drove north in the ranch to see some things. We wanted to look at the campground because it was mentioned at Rune last night. Yup, full as always. Now don’t picture a commercial style campground. This is still a boondock campground. No utilities or facilities of any kind. Just a piece of range with a signpost in front of it, like we are on now. It is almost always full when we come look. It does have great views of the mountains on both sides, but doesn’t offer anything else better than we have here.
So then we went out another road and parked by the prairie dog village. There are several more campsites here, some available. Not moving. The prairie dogs were not interested in visiting us and definitely didn’t like the dog’s presence! We walked a mile or two down that road just because. Nice walk. Skye found a souvenir leg bone, complete with hoof. Small, fawn or antelope I’d guess. She would trot ahead, find a shady place and chew until we caught up and then go again. She dropped it before we got to the truck, so we didn’t have to take it away from her.
We checked out a water tank & pond where we have seen a lot of birds and some deer in other years. There were Berwick’s Wrens and Black Phoebe’s there today
Back at camp we see there is a motorcycle camper in a nearby site. Looks a lot like backpack camping, very small, very simple.