Finally made it to Terlingua. This was a day with a lot of changes. Started out almost rainy, wet ground, heavy overcast, 2 mile visibility. Flat, well vegetated ground. Became sunny, 80 degrees, some interesting high clouds. The terrain varied from vast scrub brush on nearly flat land to hills followed by mountains. We kept climbing most of the day. The truck kept telling me about it. As I watched the fuel mileage readout it stayed below 10. It was giving a lot more back on the plains. We went form 1900' in San Angelo to over 4000 and now back to 2900. The truck had no trouble hauling the camper, but I could tell it was working harder. Of course that 20 mph headwind didn't help either!
I forgot to mention that at the San Angelo State Park we met a Ranger who grew up in Holland VT. She married a Texan and ended up there.
Tonight we went to a nearby Mexican restaurant and met up with a couple from Lubbock who are here for a few days. There were only the four of us in there so they invited us to join them. It was mostly long tables for 8-10 people. Nice Mexican lady who runs the place and cooks everything fresh when ordered. It takes a bit longer but it was quite good. Carlene was a bit less impressed.
Now for a couple days in Big Bend.
Walking Callahan at a picnic area
One of the small towns we went through |
Sometimes Cal likes to come forward to check the view and check on us
Some of the scenery along US Route 67
Some views of Alpine TX
Our first siting of a Border Patrol truck. Soon to be a very common sight
Getting close to Terlingua
A couple small mountains north of Terlingua, seen here in the late day light as we went to dinner:
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