I just wonder sometimes how computer programs measure distances. It was anywhere from 281 to 315 miles, on the same roads, from Elephant Butte to Tombstone. 4.3 hours or 6 hours of drive time. Turned out to be about 6 hours total, including stops.
It was a very appealing trip across SW New Mexico and into Arizona. The landscape changed several times as topography varied from mountainous to very flat plains with mountains in the distance to rolling hills. Vegetation varied from open plains of lechuguilla to grassland, to irrigated farmland in the Rio Grande Valley. And we crossed the Rio Grande three more times, without leaving the US. And then there is Hatch NM, professing to be the chili pepper capital of the world. Sure looks it. Every 100' another hot food place or a vendor of chili peppers. Ristras of chilis hanging from seemingly every house and fence in town.
Nice to be here. Tombstone Livery is a cool place. Cowboy Doug hosts Cowboy Action Shooting, Cowboy Mounted Shooting, has trail rides, and a campground. The campground has facilities for your horses too. We met a couple from Iowa who are camping here with their 2 horses for 2 months. Tonight we are treated to a penumbral lunar eclipse. We also have a great view of the distant lights of Huachuca City and Sierra Vista. Tombstone itself is only 2 miles south but shaded by the hills. All very brightly illuminated by the full moon, even in it's eclipsed state!
New Mexico rest area, with 'caution rattlesnake" sign! |
One of many dust storm signs |
NM Train |
NM |
Callahan is a great traveler. Resting his head on the console. |
Just a drivin' along |
NM |
Arizona rest area |
Sunset in Tombstone |
Moonlight at Tombstone Livery |
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