Sunday, March 10, 2019

Hike in Madera Canyon

Today we went back to Madera Canyon for some hiking.  The wind made it cold in the upper parking lot so we figured it would be colder up higher.  So we went downhill and did some hiking at a lower and warmer elevation.  Turned out to be a nice day there.  We explored a little bit on the way back to camp and found the trailhead for the Florida Trail up to Florida Saddle and other places.  Something to do next year!
We did see some deer on our hike.  Two on the way up and 5 (same two plus friends) on the way back.  Sightings were 2 hours apart and the deer had moved 50 yards.  They were playing, chasing each other around the woods.  I tried to catch that in video, but no luck.  Just still photos.
Got back to camp a bit early.  Found a new neighbor.  We think we saw him drive through camp yesterday, probably scouting like we did before coming up here.  Just a grey sunset tonight. 😕

On the way up. 

On the way back.  Can you spot the third deer?


  1. Yup, behind the last tree on the right.

  2. Behind the tree on the right and maybe another behind the double tree on the left. Looks maybe an ear showing just above the log laying on the ground.
