Friday, March 7, 2025


For all of you have moaned about my constant “warm sunny day” comment, here is a big change of pace.  It was a dang cold rainy windy day!!!
We stayed inside all morning.  But despite the total cloud cover this morning I was getting a charge from the solar panels.  We had the heat on all day and that has taken a slight toll on the batteries.  But 13.1v. instead of 13.7 at sunset isn’t bad at all.  We did have some sun this afternoon.  But we also had some snow at 11 AM!  Not enough to stick, but enough to see in the air.  

This afternoon we went out to Autumn Sage Vineyards, about 20 minutes away.  We each did a wine tasting so between us we sampled all but two of their wines.   They were a bit pricey at $38 and up.  Didn’t buy any bottles. 

Back at camp it’s still cold and windy.  Walked Skye a bit before supper but that was it. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer.  

Sunrise in the clouds

The small white dots are snowflakes

After the rain stopped the sun came out.  
The fog in mid screen is water evaporating from the ground

Mt Wrightson now has snow

Looking down on camp while walking Skye 


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