Friday, February 14, 2025

Arivaca, AZ boondocking

Today was quite sunny and warm but not hot, 70ish.  It was a 70 mile drive from the fairgrounds to our new camp west of Arivaca.  We scouted out here last year and decided it was a good place for boondock camping.  It is about 8 miles west of Arivaca and that is 23 miles from I-17, which in turn is south of Tucson.  There are plenty of campsites on these two gravel roads, north and south of the main paved road.  We did more scouting this afternoon after parking the camper and this time mapped our preferred spots.  5 on the south road and 6 on the north road.  That’s just the ones we liked for our size rig.  Several more small ones.
After all that we came back to camp and relaxed.  Relaxed so much that I was falling asleep.  Carlene was deep into her book, so Skye and i went for a walk.  There is a small 2 track road behind the campsite, so we went down that for about 1000 feet.  There was a good strong breeze at my back and apparently I was scented by some deer.  A herd of maybe 8 deer crossed that road in front of me at about 150 yards.  I caught 6 on video and had missed a few before I got the camera ready.
After that I just sat out behind the camper in the sun with some marginal shelter from the wind and read my book, along with my G&T.  Carlene was still reading hers.  Or napping.  

This is supposed to be the video of the deer

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