After all that we came back to camp and relaxed. Relaxed so much that I was falling asleep. Carlene was deep into her book, so Skye and i went for a walk. There is a small 2 track road behind the campsite, so we went down that for about 1000 feet. There was a good strong breeze at my back and apparently I was scented by some deer. A herd of maybe 8 deer crossed that road in front of me at about 150 yards. I caught 6 on video and had missed a few before I got the camera ready.
After that I just sat out behind the camper in the sun with some marginal shelter from the wind and read my book, along with my G&T. Carlene was still reading hers. Or napping.
This is supposed to be the video of the deer
That's how I see most of my deer!!