Monday, February 10, 2025

Tucson & Skye

Today was grooming day, for all of us.  Carlene and I got haircuts an Supercuts and Skye got a bath and groom at Petsmart.  Plus 3 grocery stores.Three because we did the basic shopping before Skye’s appointment and another during her grooming for things we didn’t find earlier and another after picking up Skye for the cold/frozen food.  She had a 2 hour cleaning.  She made quite an impression on her groomer.  When we arrived for pick up and said we were there for Skye, Maria was all enthused about her, saying what a great sweet girl, how she sat for every phase, jumped up on the table on her own etc.
It was cloudy today, but warm in the mid 70s, a breeze kept it very comfortable.  Humidity 16% 😋 so that makes a huge difference.

A guy doing some sign twirling advertising 

Mt Lemon, north of town

Westward view

So clearly, the focus of the day was the dog.

And sunset

1 comment:

  1. Another average day here, school, Club, shopping for the upcoming Primitive Biathlon. AND another cold start, -8 degrees. It's supposed to warm up into the thirties later on. We'll see. Another storm coming in Thursday, so there should be close to 2 feet on snow on the trails for Saturday's match, (11 FEB 25).
