Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Medical day.  Carlene had her eye doctor appointment and I went to a couple stores.  I had some printing to do so ran up to Office Max.  Needed to print the new rule books for Cowboy and Wild Bunch before EOT in a couple weeks.  They aren’t published until after I leave VT so have to print them on the road.

I only took one photo today.  When we arrived here there were a dozen teardrop campers here.  Must have been some sort of rally.  This one had quite a custom paint job.  You see these on big rigs, but it’s rare on small rigs to paint both the trailer and truck.

I do read and enjoy the comments people leave here too!
I’ve been wearing my Smuggs Primitive Biathlon T shirt the past couple days.  Glad Pemi will have good snow for theirs this weekend.  

One gratuitous dog photo from yesterday

1 comment:

  1. That is quite the paint job on the tear-drop rig.
    Another below zero start to the day. Gratefully, the sun this time of year will bring today's temperature in NH into the thirty's.
    Two impeding storms. One tonight, (5-9" predicted) one Saturday night, (6-12" predicted).
    Six weeks until we make our way south to Florida.
