Partly cloudy, warm, comfortable day. We had never been to the Loma Alta trailhead until today. Seemed like a fine day to fix that. It’s about 15 miles east of camp into another portion of Saguaro NP. Still plenty more cactus out there, maybe not quite as dense as yesterday but more interesting hiking. Nowhere near as many hikers! We saw 9 people all afternoon. A few locals, a couple from UT who spend 4-6 weeks in Tucson every winter for the last 10 years. Others who we didn’t talk with.
The loop trail we took went down an old road through some Rocking K Ranch country, by a windmill, down to the edge of the park and back up Coyote Wash. Maybe 6 miles total. Plenty of good views, some birds (Gilded Flicker, hummingbird) and some cool rock formations.
Back at camp Skye was happy to see us; it was still Nat. Park so she stayed home. But she had a new friend come by. Ellen is a small cattle dog mix, full of energy, loves to chase her frisbee and make catches on the fly. She and her owner, Kelly, are parked at the end of our row and we have all met a couple times. They had a good playtime in between frisbee throws. Skye isn’t well versed in frisbee fetching, well, she doesn’t fetch much anyway, the Retriever portion of her name is lost on her. But she had lots of fun anyway.
Off to a new camp tomorrow. We have scouted the BLM land west of Arivaca but not camped there. Last year we stayed in 2 campgrounds in Arivaca, had snow one morning at one of them! Out on the BLM land there was cell signal that should allow continued blogging. But if we go silent that means we’re having cell service trouble. We go on to Phoenix on Wednesday, and the big culture switch to Cowboy!
A few of our retrievers never got that part of the name either. But man our male and one of our females will play fetch all day long regardless of how sore your arm is. Our female uses her front legs to catch what ever is being thrown her way.