Thursday, February 20, 2025

Set-up day 1

I had to do the unpacking first, that took until 1030.  But all the outdoor stuff is outdoors, all the cowboy duds are hung up in the garage, all the ammo is out of the truck and under the table.

I spent the rest of the day working with a crew assembling a facade in front of the main tent.  That’s to disguise the tent.  I mostly worked with three Mexicans who were contracted through the tent company.  That was kind of fun since two of them spoke very little English.  They were a great crew, just get it done.  Climb up on top of step ladders, and I mean the bar above the top step, crawl on top of tents or whatever.  Anything to get it done. They probably look at American safety rules and think we’re a bunch of wusses.  No idea what I’ll be working on tomorrow.

Carlene did some laundry whale I was working.  They have a small laundry here on the grounds.  Along with showers.

Then a relaxing evening with supper outdoors.  We did move into the sun as it was setting.  When the sun is on its way down it gets cool fast.

View of the garage with the back door open

While unpacking the truck I found where I had put Skye’s birthday gift.  She was just happy to get it.

The crew\


  1. Neat! Bet it was fun to be part of it all. Amazing the work and effort put in for this match! In the teens here this morning.
