I had a very good day. 2 misses in 4 stages isn’t great but times were good. A cap under the hammer broke my streak of all 30 something times, but it was clean. I “won” Frontiersman category, uncontested. With 200 or so shooters I thought there would be another, but it doesn’t matter. It was for the practice.
Carlene went for another hike with Skye, a few miles NE of camp. Skye and I went back to the Daisy Mountain Tr. We had more time today, so we did the 4 1/2 mile loop that we started yesterday. Today Skye noticed the four wild burros and sat observing them with interest. The high today was 77° with a slight breeze.
This afternoon many of us got our registration packets, signed up for Warm Up mini match and met up with more old friends.
Than to camp and cleaning guns. Those won’t be used for 2 more days since tomorrow and the next day are the Wild Bunch match.
Way to go! Congratulations on that Frontiersmen win.👍