Monday, February 24, 2025

Wild Bunch, day 1

First day of Wild Bunch.  Warm sunny day, again.  Actually getting hot by afternoon, high of 82.
We had an early start with a safety meeting at 7:30 and out shooting at 8.  But done 5 stages by 11:30.  It was a good posse of 19, plenty of good workers so no hassle to get things done and a few old friends on the posse.  It flowed quite well.  I shot reasonably well, 8 misses but no other penalties.  Some targets were rather far and small, others quite easy to hit.  Five more stages tomorrow.

A few of these ultralights came over

My gun cleaning supervisor took a nap

Skye is watching a ground squirrel

As it gets more full of campers we have to walk a bit to see the sunset


  1. We broke a sweat here in Vt too. Lol. High 20’s-low 30’s

  2. Skye's such a good girl! Always wanted to fly one of those ultralights! Ellie, not so much 🤠 Enjoy
