This was a maybe 5 mile hike towards a saddle. 1100’ elevation gain. It was another 4 miles and 2500’ to the top of the mountain, which we had no delusion of doing. We did sort of want to make the saddle but turned around at 2:30. It was another .7 miles and 1100’ rise, neither time nor energy for that. Skye was resting in the shade frequently so she was happy to go back down too. It was pretty warm too.
Back at camp for some crackers & cheese.
Tomorrow it’s off to Tucson and the fairgrounds (we hope) for a few days in town. It’s going to be a major culture shock after boondocking this long. But need to resupply etc. We have a list of things to get done. And then some hiking among the Saguaros 🌵 That part will be fun!
Looks like this might be good rattlesnake country. I know that the Western Timber Rattler inhabits parts of Arizona, but I don' konow if their range extends this far south, (10 FEB 25).