Thursday, February 27, 2025

EOT Cowboy day 1

 End of Trail, the SASS World Championship started this morning.  It was a sunny, last night’s low was 60, but extremely windy which continued at 8 AM.  the Safety Meeting that precedes the start of shooting was prolonged a bit while the work crews got all the various parts back upright after a night of strong wind.  I can say that the camper rocked many times in the night as that wind blew.

Once we were out at the range we were at a big yellow building facade and next stage over was a big riverboat.  Well, that riverboat ran aground, I mean it blew over where the shooters were gathering for the scenario reading.  One guy was on the ground.  It took a minute for me to realize that someone was down and not just a crowd of people.  I went over but this happened right n front of the EMT tent, so he and a couple helpers were already there providing care.  It seemed that they had everything well under control so I went back to my posse.  Rumor was that he was OK, and I saw him this evening wearing a simple cloth sling.

We were starting on a stage with multiple knockdown targets and there was some concern that they might be much harder to knock down with 35mph wind supporting them.  Our Posse Deputy, Half-a-hand Henri, went to the Match Director with this concern and then two of us were picked to test them.  Since I had my .36 caliber percussion pistols I was one of those.  I had to hit them quite high to make them go down, middle target that’s didn’t do anything.  So they decided to make it only a hit and not require them going down to count.

After all that excitement I had a lousy stage, 4 misses.  What a start.  Second stage was just a shotgun makeup for a weak shot shell.  By the third stage I was back to my full normal performance.  So tomorrow is a late shift starting at 2 PM.

tonight was a Territorial Governors meeting and a swap meet.  I bought a used shirt and Carlene sold a used shirt, and a few other things.

This was the riverboat that fell over

Riverboat run aground

Our starting stage, they reinforced it with a forklift!

Starting position with hands on “hat”

Sassy Dancer

Renegade Roper

You can see the smoke blowing back in my face.
Also a lot of sand

Sunset tonight


  1. Quite a way to start the day! At least you got back into the rhythum of match. Brave guy going out there with a pair of 36's. Good luck tomorrow, (I mean today). Posted Friday 28 FEB.

  2. Yeh, rough way to start! Hopefully you got that out of your system. I love the flame out of your revolver!
