Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Wild Bunch day 2

Second day of Wild Bunch.  Another 8 AM start, offers some interesting sunlight in the photos.  There were plenty of good interesting stages to keep us going.  One stage had 35 knockdown targets with the instruction that you had to knock each one down, unlimited ammo (only limited by what you can carry) plus a shotgun if you wanted.  I got them all!  The whole 2 day event was a lot of fun.

I had ordered a case of powder to pick up, to save the shipping charges, so I got that today.  Then took a couple rims to the tire store for new tires on the trailer.  That’s an annual thing on this trip.  Something always wears out.  The new brand I got last year is wearing much better so I’m getting more of those.  The truck thermometer went to 92!

Then back in time for the Top Gun Shootoff, the top 16 men and 15 women compete head to head in an elimination match.  Some cowboy readers know Cholula Mike, he won the men’s title on his birthday!  Holy Terror won the women’s, as usual, and Half a Hand Henri was second!

The Wild Bunch Awards were also given tonight.  I wasn’t in the top ten so I dont know my placing.  However I won 2nd place as best dressed man.