Sunday, March 3, 2024

Phoenix 11, end of EOT

 First thing this morning was the Top 16 Shootoff, the 16 highest scoring men and 16 women go up one-on-one until there is only one left.  It can be a lot of fun to watch.  Since it is a single elimination match you never know for sure who will win each round.

Then hang around for an hour until awards were ready.
Our posse did very well!  Of the 16 of us I think we had at least 10 winning awards.

I got 3rd place in Frontiersman!  And my miss and P didn’t mean much.  While I was only a short way in front of Kougarok George I was over 100 seconds behind the 2nd place guy, and 130 behind 1st place.  I am simply not capable of those speeds!  That’s a difference of 10 seconds per stage.
In Wild Bunch Sr Modern I was 15th out of 39.
After the awards we had several of the NE people come over to the camper for some socializing, I think we spent a couple hours.  

Then it was a couple more hours of packing.  I got the truck all packed which included packing all my cowboy clothes and guns.  I didn’t get any gun cleaning done yesterday or today so that’ll have to happen when I get onto some boondocks camping.  

We will try to get into Catalina State Park down near Tucson tomorrow.

This is Jack Dalton, his son Dutch Thomas and their 1 year old dog Teddy Roosevelt
TR has a rider on his back

Start of awards, a table full of them
Another table full on the left side

The 7 Frontiersman winners

Outdoor photo of the Frontiersman

The two overall winners
Dead Eye Dillard and Cimarron Sonya
I think it was 2 years ago that I shot with Sonya and her sister & father.  IIRC she’s about 17

The gang at the camper

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