Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Safford 8

 At the risk of being repetitious, it was a warm sunny day.   It was windy!  This was a poor day for a bike ride, so we didn’t.  In fact, we did very little!   Went to the pharmacy for a Rx, and otherwise sat in the sun, the shade, inside the camper when the wind got chilly and read or wrote.  I got through half my last Louis L’Amour book, may finish it tonight. I outlined out the stages for our June Cowboy shoot. Looked over the list of things for our state shoot in July, trying to think of what needs to be done next.  

The wind might gust up to 40 tonight.

We didn’t take any photos until sunset. 

Nice conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter tonight

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fine time! Things are beginning to wind down for the Winter Term here at the Academy. Also, thinking about how to pack all the cowboy and overnight gear in a truck and camper that are normally packed.
    BTW. The Fracas application has just been posted to the NECAS website.
