Monday, March 11, 2024

Safford 6

 Woke up to a beautiful morning, although slightly cloudy.  By late morning we decided to go hike a trail on Mt Graham.  There is this Round The Mountain Trail that’s 15 miles in total length and goes around the western side of Mt Graham.  It doesn’t actually go all the way around the mountain.  And we certainly didn’t do that whole length either!  It starts at Noon Creek Campground at the 5000’ level on the mountain.  We parked the truck in the campground and hiked up 1250’ in 2 miles to a pass on the ridge.  As we started and I checked my GPS I found that we did this hike in 2020, on March 11, about an hour earlier in the day!  So we got a 4.2 mile hike, including a side trip for Skye to swim!  It must have been cold water because the only water coming off that mountain is snow melt!  She loved it, went back in 3 times.  She had run off trail to get in it on the way up too.  This trail has some pretty great views, I’m in for a long photo sorting session to get his blog done!

Back home we just relaxed in the sun or shade and watched the sun set with a cold beverage.  Not that the sunset was anything to brag about tonight.

Sometimes Skye runs ahead and then waits for us in the shade
She’s getting used to hiking in AZ

Waiting at an intersection

The last time we were here this bowl had water in it

Given the size and shape we’re thinking these are javelina

Very old beer can that someone left on the side of the trail
It was back in college that I last saw a pop top can like this




Golden lipfern

Lindheimers lipfern 

Desert stink beetle

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