Fourth day of driving and now for a 2 day stop in Myrtle Beach State Park, SC. Feels good to set up for more than one night. It’s the first time I’ve unhitched and put down the jacks.
It was a very warm afternoon, getting up into the 60s! Won’t even get down to freezing tonight. I put water in the tank today, filled the hot water heater and now we have running hot and cold water. WooHoo! I took out a chair (1st time for that too) and sat outside with Skye She was busy with squirrels.
In the afternoon we had a walk on the beach. This was another of those whopper wind days, 15 mph with stronger gusts. So it’s a good thing it was warm because that wind was not. Skye had a great time at the beach. We let her off leash for about an hour. Very few people around. Nobody at all when we arrived.
Tomorrow Carlene’s friend will meet us mid day. We’ll go get some food and propane before then.
Myrtle Beach is quite touristy town, but the State Park is great. You wouldn’t know it was a tourist town.