Friday, January 24, 2025

Anthony NM

First; I’ve added photos to yesterday’s post.  

It has been so cold that I have not been able to dump the waste tanks for two mornings, in Terlingua and Ft Davis. By the time we got to Van Horn near noon today it was up to 35 and being westbound the sun was on the drain valves all morning while driving.  Found a campground for a dump.  Now all set with full fresh water and empty waste tanks.  On to Safford for some real boondocking tomorrow.  

Passed into mountain time zone this side of Van Horn   It’s another hour earlier   Now 2 hours earlier than at home  

We are in another good Harvest Host tonight.  Mesa Vista Winery in Anthony NM, just west of El Paso TX. Yes, after 10 days we are out of Texas.  It’s a small winery, good selection of wines and beer.  I sampled 5, Carlene and I each had a glass and we got a bottle of Rose for the road.  And spent a couple hours talking with the owners and another HH guest.   Brian and Dawn own the vineyard, she used to run heavy equipment and was a trucker for a while.  Brian talked plenty but not about himself.  The other guest is a full time RVer who has his wife with him about half the time.  She works on an offshore oil rig in the Gulf. She runs the navigation system, either while underway or keeping the ship stationary while they drill.  She’s away for three weeks then home for three or so. He hauls a 1970 Chevy Nova on a flatbed behind the coach.

It appears that this is the only photo I took today

So I took more in the morning

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