Friday, January 31, 2025

Forest Road 663

Nothing like a warm sunny day to go hiking.  Today we picked another USFS Road not far from the one of three days ago.  But alas,  o great wildlife sightings.  I did hear a somewhat rare bird. A Mexican Whippoorwill.  Sounds much like the Eastern W but those are hundreds of miles from here.  This is a bit far north for the Mexican at this time of year, but it is in its overall zone. You just wonder why it stayed the winter in its breeding ground.  You realize of course that I’m no birder and all of this was nothing I knew at the time I heard its call!  I just recognized a whippoorwill call.  
It was a 6.5 mile hike on the road with lots of good views.  It also was one of the warmer days.  Only the second time I’ve been down to T shirt and vest.  Back at camp it’s the first time I’ve been in a T shirt sitting in the sun outside the camper.  And it should be warmer yet in the next few days.  
We’ll probably be leaving this area on Tuesday.  The last night will be at the state park for a tank refresh & showers. Headed to the Empire Ranch south of Tucson.  After that up to Tucson itself.  

Sunrise this morning

Oak Draw trail

Some cattle at a water tank

Not quite sure, apparently some form of water flow control

I see many of these in pairs, triples are less common
Soaptree Yucca

More cattle

Skye was getting warm,
Laying in the shade waiting for us

This is what Mt Graham has looked like in previous years

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