Second day on the road. No rain, lots of clouds. Minimal solar charging, so the generator is running. Going to be 19 tonight so I wanted more power in the batteries.
Quattro Goombas is a winery, brewery and pizza place with a huge parking lot that they share with Harvest Host campers. One stop shop. Camp and get pizza with really good beer. It was over $40 for dinner but we got leftovers with a free campsite for less than we payed last night for a campsite.
The interstate was the usual mediocre viewing down to Harrisburg. PA sure has a lot of ups & downs. It feels like more hills than VT. But then it’s onto US 15 from Harrisburg down past Gettysburg and through MD into VA. Almost all 4 lane through lots of pastoral settings. Only a few towns, lots of fields, a big stretch of horse farm country and some big old Southern houses. With some modern versions of the same. It keeps the driving interesting.
Some of the day was windy enough that I had both hands on the wheel most of the day and no cruise control. The rig just kind of jerked around slightly. No big deal but enough to be ready for a gust anytime. And some snow. Mostly in the air. The roads were clear.
Tomorrow we were going to southern VA to visit a friend. But with 3” of snow forecast we are diverting to NC where it’ll just be rain.
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