Saturday, February 10, 2024

Arivaca/ Universal Ranch 2

 Not a lot of activity today.

It started out as a snowy day.  Yup, SNOW!  Great big flakes at times, just like VT.  We probably had maybe an inch by late morning.  But by noon it stopped, the temp came up to 39 and it all melted.  
Carlene tried out the laundry room, but it didn’t work.
So after lunch we got in the truck and headed out to see the neighborhood.  I had found two more campgrounds on Allstays app so we had some scouting to do.  These two did not show up in our searches on Thursday.
La Siesta Campground a mile south was our first stop.  Nice open area, great Mountain View’s, the manager Steve, was very personable, told us of the various groups he has come there.  A women’s veteran group, another independent women group they leave their men behind and do everything for themselves.  They have hookups or they have dry camping for $25.  But their washer/dryer is dead.  Someone tried full heat on a poly comforter and burned it up!  We will likely be there Monday night for 2 nights.
The second was Mesquite Ranch campground another mile in the other direction.  I followed the GPS map around Two sides of a square to get there.  But even though they were straight lines on the map it didn’t show the STEEP ups and downs on muddy dirt roads!  That was fun!  No, really, it was fun.  But the Mesquite Ranch Cattle Company had the gate closed so we didn’t go in and check out the campground.  We could have called or maybe there was a bell on the gate.  We didn’t try.  We liked the first one enough to stay there anyway.
So then we went into town for milk.  But once there we decided to go to the Buenos Aires Visitor Center once we realized it was only 16 miles rather then the 30+ I had guessed from the map (without a scale it is a guess).  So off again.  Big rain storm in between the two places.  Run the wipers and see the temp go down to 33.  Slush on the windshield.  But not sticky.  It was a 45 mph road for all the hills and turns anyway.  Drove out of the storm so it was barely sprinkling.  Got there and its closed.  Sign says due to lack of staff, open when its open.
On the way out the clouds parted and gave a great view of the mountains to our west.  We stopped for a photo, and as soon as we started moving again Carlene sees antelope out her side!  Another quick stop to look.
Those stops allowed us to get back to Arivaca on the tail of the storm, it had stopped raining when we got to the store for that milk.
Back at camp… walk Skye and that’s about that for another day.  Supposed to be below 30 tonight.  Brrr.  I drained the water hose just in case.
Oh, we heard coyotes last night when Skye went out for her 9 pm walk.
And at 7:30 we have a fireworks show out in front of camp.  Looks like a half mile away, not sure what that’s about.  Don’t really care, it’s fun to watch.  It is a professional grade show, a little slow paced but great quality pyrotechnics.  And the neighbor dogs are complaining and I did hear some coyotes join in.

Surprise morning weather

Big flakes!

Driving around Arivaca

Suburban roads

The storm is moving away

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