Friday, February 23, 2024

Phoenix 3 work day

 Work day 2

An even more busy day, started earlier & worked later, this time moving steel targets.  I was pretty beat by the time we quit, whatever time that was.  We worked on 6 of the 12 stages, although stage 1 had been started yesterday.  All the targets were already on the stage but just stacked in the middle and we had to place them where they belonged.  Here at EOT it is very meticulous work!  Protractor and measuring tape to get it all precisely placed.  At home we just put it out at approximately where the diagram indicates and make sure nothing overlaps or is too close together.  But this is the World Championships so it’s very detailed.  The setup plans show exact measurements for everything.  And since most stages are used for 2-3 different events, they all get set, marked and then moved for the next event and sometimes marked again and moved again for the third event!  All precisely measured.  At this point all the crew has to do from one event to the next is move targets to the marked locations.  
I may be tired but it has been a good fun time working with these guys.  And they do feed us well, very good lunch every day you work.  Coffee and donuts in the morning if you want it.  
And the inventory here!  Oodles of props, tools, supplies, 40+ members of the Arizona Rangers.  I am only working a couple days with the Rangers, that group works every day from the time they get here to the day after the match.  Those that live around here work all year long.  The planing committee start the next match planning a week after this one ends.
I was pretty happy to get back to camp & sit down for a few minutes.  Then had to get out all the gear for the shoot tomorrow!
Supper featured a very nice Moonrise!  It’s full tonight after midnight.
While I was doing all my stuff today Carlene took the truck for some errands and did a 3 mile hike with  Skye and a bike ride. 

Where we are

Target setting

Carlene found some flowers today 
Western Honey Bee on Brittlebush

A relaxing supppertime

Skye was relaxing too

Balloons, we see a lot of them here


Capturing Moonrise

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