Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Phoenix 1, Ben Avery Shooting Facility (BASF)

 Nice sunny drive up to Phoenix.  Of course once we got here we could see the rain off in west.  That’s one thing about the big open spaces, you can see rain happening many miles away!  The radar showed it coming but with just an edge of it hitting here.  It turned out that way too!  We went shopping and it did rain as we went in.  Back to sun when we came out!

Once back at camp I started unpacking the trailer.  Took all the camp gear out, tables, chairs, bicycles etc to make room for the cowboy gear I have to unpack later.  Most of my clothes are in a tub in the truck which will hang in the garage area in a day or so.  A whole bunch of supplies come out of the truck so I can get to it all during the week.  That all needs to be out and orderly enough for me to find stuff before the first match Saturday morning.  And that one is 8 miles away, so I have to get it right ‘cause there’s no run back to camp for what I forgot!  😗

The reward was a great sunset!  They are usually pretty good here.

Going to go work on set up the next two days.  It’s amazing how much work is involved in getting this put together.  A crew has been working for over a week and it’s now down to 4 days left.  

That’s the main tent and several vendor tents

There are a few more campers here, generally workers

The bright lights are at the shotgun range, they shoot until about 8.

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